

О Компании и мешках

abrasion resistance; good heat resistance, but low frost resistance (up to -15 ° C); resistance to corrosion cracking, chemical attack; water resistance. Propylene bags of Ekopromtrans LLC are designed for loads weighing 5, 10, 25 or 50 kilograms. These products can be painted or unpainted, standard or custom made. But the main thing is that they are of consistently high quality in our company. We give a guarantee.

Then the fabric part is made. The resulting threads are fed to a loom, where they are connected into a sleeve of a given size (the width of the package depends on this). Then the product is wound on reels; With the help of a thermo-knife or a semi-automatic device, the sleeve is cut into blanks of a certain size, from which bags are sewn;

Исходя из вышеприведенных расчетов, полипропиленовых мешков даже в небольших масштабах требует немалых вложений, но очень быстро окупается. Уже через полгода предприятие станет приносить владельцу высокий стабильный доход.

Бумажные мешки Полипропиленовые мешки
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