To work in two shifts of the plant, 8 people are required: four workers (equipment operators), a manager, a manager for receiving raw materials and shipping finished goods, a cleaner, and an accountant. That's about $4,000 in payroll per month.
Производственная линия может обслуживать три человека. Обычно такое предприятие работает в две смены. Зарплата одного рабочего составляет 18-20 тыс. рублей.
Кроме того, вам понадобится менеджер по сбыту, грузчики, бухгалтер и водитель.
Sewing is done on special sewing machines: the bottom is sewn up, the neck is processed. To increase the density, you can insert a polyethylene layer inside the product, sewing it to the neck;
Package. The finished product is packaged in bags of 100, 500 or 1000 pieces. A big plus of these products is that they do not require special storage conditions and can lie for quite a long time in the warehouse.